Competitors in the cross-platform framework space such as Cordova, Phonegap, and Ionic are being abandoned in favour of React Native, strengthening the already-great community. We also believe that the future of React Native is bright. Unless any of the above drawbacks are deal breakers - say, for instance you are targeting low budget, older devices with a performance-sensitive application - React Native provides many significant benefits that should not be overlooked. The most significant drawbacks - poor official documentation, steep learning curve and platform inconsistencies are easily overcome with strong organizational support. Having a development team that is familiar with React Native can make a world of difference in outcomes. However, following best practices is easier said than done.
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With React Native components compiling into native iOS and Android components, the bottom line is that there are very few cases where it is impossible to achieve performance comparable to a native app. Apps that follow best practices will be plenty fast without deliberate optimization. However, as devices become more powerful, this becomes less of an issue. Generally, React Native apps are going to be more computationally expensive than an equivalent native app. Performance is another common concern with React Native, but is mostly unfounded. However the React Native team has recently made significant improvements to their documentation, demonstrating their commitment to the project

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One codebase - Significantly reduce development time, ensure correctness for important business logic and maintain feature parity across platforms.Web development experience translates to React Native very well.

Talent pool - The talent pool of web developers is far greater than that of native iOS/Android developers.Let’s review why we believe this to be the case: Organizational Considerations At Quantum Mob we believe that the benefits of cross-platform development with React Native (RN) far outweigh the drawbacks. As we are approaching 2021 and organizations are planning for new product builds, technology selection is an important consideration. An important step in developing a successful mobile product is choosing between a Cross-Platform or a Native solution.

As smartphones are increasingly becoming people’s primary computing device, organizations are seeing more demand for mobile apps.